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Un collier tres mode en recyclé

Sweater Flower and Pearl necklace TUTORIAL
Wow, what a response! I received so many emails and requests for how-to's on this necklace, I was shocked. Here's the tutorial. It is for personal use only, thanks!
  1. Sweater, smaller sizes work best
  2. Pearls strands
  3. Hot Glue Gun
  4. Needle and Thread
  5. Scissors
  6. Ribbon
  7. Fray check or a match/lighter
  8. Bead, jewel, rhinestone, button, etc for center of flower
To make the Pearl Strand Necklace:
Cut two 18" strips of ribbon and fray check or burn the edges.
Fold over one end of each ribbon 1/4" and crease. Fold over to the wrong or non-shiny side of the ribbon. The crease ensure that you get a straight line (and thus, a nice finish) when you adhere it in the next step.
With your hot glue gun, put a thin line of glue across the creased section and press. You could use fabric glue for this, but it takes longer to dry. I'm too impatient for that. :)
Next, cut the pearls into 3 strands; 5 1/2", 7", and 8 1/2".
Hot glue the pearl strands to the folded side of each ribbon.

To make a Sweater Flower:
Cut a 2 1/2" section off the sleeve of your sweater.
Fold in half, right sides out.
Hand sew a basting stitch along the bottom. Be sure to catch both layers of sweater.
This is what it should look like.
Pull thread tight and tie a good knot.
Embellish the center. Then hot glue your sweater flower to your pearl strand necklace.
Such a pretty necklace! It can be dressed up or dressed down. I've worn it both ways and loved it.
*I made a couple extra Sweater Flower and Pearl necklaces, so if you are interested in purchasing one, you may email me at craftaholic@rocketmail.com.*
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<br /> La, pour le coup, c'est adaptable à toutes les bourses !<br /> J'aime bien l'idée du côté récup.<br /> Bises<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Moi aussi et j'aime le concepte<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />